Fish Farming
Many people think of Fish Farming as a protein. Some may even say it’s a healthier meal. There are people who completely abstain from eating fish because of conservation to ethical morals or beliefs. It’s true from a health point that fish is obviously healthier than meat. Vegans are those who do not eat meat or any product made by or from animals. However there are some vegans who eat fish but still consider themselves vegetarians, but fish is meat. If this is the case we can say that fish is considered to be healthier. Health scares would put people off eating seafood because people tend to worry about contaminants like mercury and PCB.
So what exactly is Fish Farming, Fish Farming is the process of raising fish in an enclosed area of use in the fishing industry. Fish farms can be built on land or even off of an ocean shore. Fishes and plants can be raised along that shore. True fact is that every year Fish farms throughout the world produce over sixty five million tons of varieties of sea life for harvesting. Some of the Fish Farming we see today is highly technological. The designing of every working machine for Fish Farming is designed to control all aspects of raising aquatic life. The purpose for the way the structure is on a Fish Farm is to prevent contaminants and predators. The Fish farms can also be important for maintaining endangered wild fish populations, for example Salmon and trout, also by growing them and returning them to the wild.
A guy by the name of Jeremy Piven claimed at one point about getting mercury poisoning, in his Sushi meal. Health concerns and contaminants have always been an issue. People still debate on Fish
either it’s healthy or it’s not. Some people claimed that for whatever reason you’re better off eating fish because it’s not meat. Fish Farming involves raising the fish in tanks or enclosures which are usually for food. There are many ways in conducting a Fish farm. Salmon, Carp, Tilapia, Catfish and Cod are the most common fish species raised by farms.
In the market business Fish has become popular with the increasing offers because of its protein that many people find it to be a wise choice when it comes to a good healthy meal. Farmed fish go through almost the same process as a chicken farm would go through. The fishes are first transported from the hatchery where they were born to the Farm. The second step is they are then measured in to be a certain fish size it’s almost like giving them a grade. Lastly the final trip for the fish will be to the slaughterhouse where there killed and then cleaned and sent off. Today as technology becomes better there is a high tech volume system in which controls the food, light, and growth stimulations of indoor farms. The system helps keep the fish in good shape until its ready to be released and put up for sale.
Many fishes are given drugs, hormones to stimulate their growth and change reproductive behaviors. The fishes can sometimes face injury which is often on some farms. They can become blind with the increase of stress. There have been health concerns along with the safety of fish as well. The fishes are usually confined in small areas it can lead to extreme fecal contamination, deadly disease, parasite outbreaks and the depletion of wild fish stock. Many of the fish today in supermarkets come from farms. The fish we eat comes from abroad. All over the world many people consume a large number of fish. The U.N food and agriculture organization has estimated that almost fourty million tons of aquatic food will be required just to maintain current levels of consumption. Fish is a good source of protein that helps balance us out.
There are many opinions and facts when it comes to vegetarians and knowing the lifestyle of a vegan. For the past few years it has been a few openly opinions on vegans eating fish but considering themselves a vegetarian. As everyone knows vegans don’t eat meat. In my mind vegans don’t eat fish, and any type of meat such as chicken. Fish and seafood are not vegetables or fruit, Fish is not planted in the ground and raised but yet vegans eat fish and call themselves vegetarians if you’re a true vegetarian, you don’t eat meat that includes fish or any type of seafood that is a meat source. Some say it is okay if you are a vegetarian to eat fish or other meaty seafood products. For the people who say you aren’t a true vegetarian if you eat I agree with those set of people. This is where the debate comes down to when it comes to fish being considered healthy.
The Fish Farming workers have a responsibility when it comes to doing their job as a Fish Farmer. Fish Farmers take on the responsibility of making sure the Fishes are well kept. Their everyday work involves cleaning the tanks, and feeding the fish. They look after the Fish. The workers watch for change or disease in the fish and also they always check the water to make sure the temperature is right. These workers are there for the care of the Fishes twenty four seven. They play an important role in how our Fish gets transported from being healthy without being any type of illness or disease. A Healthy Fish is what is required as a Fish Farm worker. Without the lack of service from the workers Fish would be very difficult in terms of supplying millions of people who eat Fish. The rapid system of Fish farming is what keeps the industry of Fish Farming going. Antibiotics are used when it’s required to treat the fish. The workers have a certain procedure in how they attend to the Fish that do become ill. Those fishes will be dealt with carefully. Whether you eat fish or not the debate of Vegetarians and regular people eating Fish still continues.
Norman, J.R. A history of Fishes.2nd Ed. New York: Wiley, 2006.print
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